Meguru Yamaguchi

NC PRODUCTSは縫製工場の技術をもって、さまざまな分野のクリエイターのこだわりを具現化していきます。創作の現場はもちろん、彼らの日常に寄り添うことで新たなデニムパンツの可能性を探るコラボレーションの挑戦です。




NC PRODUCTS breathes life into the unique particularities of creators across various fields by leveraging its sewing factory's techniques. Venturing into these creators' daily lives and creative sites, this collaborative challenge is an exciting exploration of the possibilities of denim pants.

Our first collaboration is with Meguru Yamaguchi, a contemporary artist based in Brooklyn, New York. Yamaguchi moved to the U.S. in 2007, where he became known for his signature "brush stroke" style and his "cut and paste" technique, where he collages paint brushstrokes of different colors into one piece. In addition, he is highly regarded across the globe for his robust chromatic sense.

Yamaguchi cites street culture–his home since his high school days–as the source of his creations. Street culture also has a strong affinity with our world – the world of denim. To further expand his range of expression, Yamaguchi asked us for a pair of work-style denim pants that he could use while working on his pieces. Yamaguchi favors the baggy, wide-legged silhouette frequently seen in street culture; the baggy denim has become a centerpiece in his creative process. 

To celebrate the launch of our debut collection, we will be selling Yamaguchi's denim pants as they are, covered in paint from his painting sessions. This one-of-a-kind "piece," born from Yamaguchi's creative process, has grown with color and through time. We will work with Yamaguchi to release the same type of product in solid colors in a future collection. 

Meguru Yamaguchi / 山口 歴

1984 年生まれ。東京都渋谷区出身。2007 年に渡米し、現在はニューヨーク・ブルックリンを拠点に活動している現代アーティスト。
絵画表現における基本的要素「筆致/ブラシストローク」の持つ可能性を追究した様々な作品群を展開。代表的作品群"OUT OF BOUNDS" では「固定概念・ルール・国境・境界線の越境、絵画の拡張」というコンセプトのもと、筆致範囲を制限してしまうキャンバスの使用を止め、筆致の形状自体をそのまま実体化する独自の手法によって、ダイナミックで立体的な作品を制作し続けている。
90 年代から2000 年代初頭の東京ストリートカルチャーの変遷を経験して育ち、渡米後は、ALIFE、BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB、FTC、NIKE 等アメリカのストリートカルチャーを代表するブランドの他、ISSEY MIYAKE MEN、LEVI’S、OAKLEY、UNIQLO といった企業とのコラボレーションも行なっている。


Born in 1984 in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. The artist moved to New York in 2007 and currently based in Brooklyn.

The artist focuses and pursues possibilities of brushstrokes’ expressions, one of the most fundamental elements of painting. Yamaguchi’s signature work series OUT OF BOUNDS is made with conception of “transcending stereotypes, rules, borders and boundaries, expansion of painting”. Yamaguchi stopped using canvases that restrained the physical area for his brush strokes but instead invented an original method for materialising unrestrained shapes of the brush strokes, successfully expressing and exploring the possibilities of his dynamic and sculptural beauty of brush strokes.

The artist experienced the pivotal transition of street culture from the 90’s to early 2000’s in Tokyo. He has collaborated with major brands representing American street culture, such as ALIFE, BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB, FTC, NIKE. The artist has also collaborated with other international brands such as ISSEY MIYAKE MEN, LEVI’S, OAKLEY, and UNIQLO.

Artworks are owned by FENDI Foundation and more.

Recent publication includes OUT OF BOUNDS.


